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Fundur með erindi

Fimmtudaginn, 16. október 2008 - 17:15
Stofa 157 í VR-II, Hjarðarhaga 6

Fundurinn hefst með veitingum að hefðbundnum hætti frá kl. 16:45.

Að þeim loknum flytur Mark Dukes, sérfræðingur við Stærðfræðistofu Raunvísindastofnunar Háskólands, erindi sem hann nefnir: Permutations and partially ordered sets.

I will present some results from a recently completed project in discrete mathematics. It ties together several objects; pattern avoiding permutations, partially ordered sets, and chord diagrams. Each of these will be explained and then we will show how each object can be encoded by a special sequence of numbers.

An overview of the "kernel method" will be presented, a technique that is used to count objects using properties of the objects functional equation.

This is joint work with Mireille Bousquet-Melou (Bordeaux), Anders Claesson and Sergey Kitaev (Reykjavik University).

This talk is accessible to everyone with an interest in mathematics.

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